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Tips for Creating an Effective LinkedIn Strategy

LinkedIn is a powerful social media platform for businesses and professionals. Once you’ve set up a LinkedIn business page for your center, it’s time to think about your LinkedIn strategy. The right LinkedIn Strategy will help you reach working moms and dads and make connections with local businesses in your community!

1. Update your page regularly.

If you want to engage with working parents or local businesses, it’s important that you’re posting often to stay relevant. Develop a regular posting schedule to maintain an active social media presence on LinkedIn. Scheduling posts ahead of time using a tool like Hootsuite or Loomly is a great way to establish a consistent LinkedIn strategy.

2. Share posts with media.

Posts with visuals typically earn more engagement than posts without across all social media platforms. In fact, LinkedIn posts with images receive 98 percent more comments than those without. Mix up your posts with a variety of rich media to keep your followers on their toes. Support your posts with quality photos, videos, PDFs or graphics!

3. Incorporate relevant hashtags in your posts.

LinkedIn users can follow hashtags to get content on a specific topic in their feed. Add hashtags to your center’s page and your posts to make your profile more searchable for parents and local organizations in your community. Start by researching keywords that pertain to the child care industry and hashtags that your competitors are using in their posts.

4. Develop a LinkedIn content strategy.

LinkedIn is a great platform for creating, publishing and sharing original content. Think about how you can provide value to working parents and your child care network. In what ways can you educate, inform, inspire or entertain your audience?

Publishing original content will help you position your center as an authority in the child care industry, while appealing to professional moms and dads with engaging, shareable content. Get creative with how-to guides, children’s activity instructions, child care thought leadership articles or reviews of products you use in your center! Encourage your followers to share your content to reach families and local businesses outside of your established network.

5. Get your staff involved!

LinkedIn is all about making connections! Your daycare staff plays an important role in expanding your reach and building your network. Invite your employees to add your child care company to their personal profile. Then, encourage your employees to engage with your posts and updates. LinkedIn even has an option to notify employees of a new post!